Hi pretties,
Here’s to a great Tuesday. Today I’m fessin’ up! I’m obsessed with HGTV. AND, I know I’m not the only one! I have been seriously hooked on HGTV since the old days. Do y’all remember Room by Room with Matt and Sheri, Decorating Cents with Joan Steffend or At the Auction with Leslie Hindman(I thought she was so classy). Yep, I have been watching for a while. But, my all-time favorite host is Candice Olson. She rocks with her classically elegant designs. I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to her designs. My bedroom is in need of a refresh and I’m inspired by Candice’s neutral color palettes and clean style. Here are some of my faves!
I definitely would like to have a different kind of nightstand, like the shelving she uses but the walls in my boudoir are weirdly shaped. Do any of these rooms strike your fancy?
Link parties{here}.
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Keep it Pretty,