Hello pretties,
I’m so excited today to share two of my favorite books and the first giveaway of 2018. All over social media I am seeing a lot of people committing or re-committing to reading more in 2018. Between family, work and other commitments, it can be a struggle to find the time to sit quietly and read. I know it’s hard for me to find some free time. But one way to kickstart your reading habit is to start small, with shorter books that pack a punch. I have handpicked two of my favorites to get you started.
The Books
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
This might be my most favorite book. No mysteries, romance or science fiction, just 4 common sense ways to just be a better person. The language is simple to follow so you can easily apply these tips to your daily life. My favorite agreement – Be impeccable with your word. Makes a fantastic gift for high school or college grads.
Successful Women Think Differently: 9 Habits to Make You Happier, Healthier, and More Resilient by Valorie Burton
I have read so many of Valorie Burton books because she writes with a biblical perspective. In this book, she outlines 9 habits that will make you think differently, it all starts in the mind. This is really kinda of a workbook with questions to answer and exercises and stories from successful women. My favorite habit – Stop trying to fix your weaknesses. Another great gift idea.
I enjoyed reading both of these, more than once I might add…LOL Self-help, motivational type books are a fave. I am always looking for ways to be better just all around in life – home, work, family relationships, friendships, etc. You are never too old to learn new things or new ways of thinking. I believe you all will like them too so I’m giving away both books along with a couple of surprises. Just enter using the Rafflecopter below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What’s on your reading list?