Hello Pretties,
Hope your weekend was more than a little fabulous! I took one day to totally veg out and one day to get some things done. It was a good weekend. I know I have said on the blog many times that I have a lot going on. I wasn’t saying it to sound important or like I was all that. I really have had a lot going on mentally because my family was changed forever Thanksgiving 2014 when my baby sister Nickey was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer.
Y’all know I’m a twin, but we have a younger sister, Nickey. Nickey has always been the light of our family. My brother and I thought she was THE greatest thing since sliced bread. I treated her like a baby doll, always dressing her up and combing her hair. She grew up to be fun, feisty, and fabulous. A cross between Lola Falana, cause she is a glamour girl and Xena Warrior Princess cause she is sho’ nuff a warrior. When I say this cancer thang hit us like a ton of bricks, that is what it felt like – a physical weight. We were all taken aback because we didn’t have a family history of cancer so where did it come from? As the big sister, I was so mad, why her? Why not me, footloose and fancy free? She has a husband and kids to take care of!! My sister already has a debilitating disease – she’s been hospitalized so many times for the other illness, I’ve lost count. And now she gets this ish, really?
I was mad y’all for a minute. I had to get my mind right to support my sister. Now my Mama, who is also experiencing some medical challenges, taught me two things – Take everything to the next level! Don’t just put dinner on the table, pull out some pretty dishes, make the food pretty on the plate – wayyyy before Instagram, make it special. If it ain’t nothing but a tuna sandwich and some sweet tea, you can elevate it! I think that’s why I’m so extra… LOL And, pray without ceasing. My Mama is a woman of strong faith. And that’s what I did. I prayed everyday, all day. I knew God was a healing God and He is still in the blessing business. So I asked God to help me get through this so I could help my sister. I didn’t want to lose my best friend, but I knew it was possible. So we all buckled down and rallied around my sister. We met the Doctors and learned as much as we could about the diagnosis and what to expect. We took turns going to chemotherapy and just being there for Nickey.
She had weeks of chemotherapy and a mastectomy. Her hair is growing back and she said to me last week, she is starting to feel like herself. She’s doing good y’all!!! We know the road ahead is still uncertain but we will keep praying. We were already close, but this experience has strengthened our sisterly bond even more. Sisterly bonds can not be broken by distance, time or even cancer.
Y’all are my sisters too, do self-exams, get your mammograms and listen to your body! This month, call, write, or text a reminder to a sister friend to do these things. You can find a ton of resources here. Thanking God for my sister Nickey, today and everyday!
Linking with these lovely bloggers
Antionette Blake says
May God continue to heal and keep her strong #ihatecancer
Antionette Blake recently posted…Amazon gets an “A” in Education
robi9832 says
Hi Antionette,
Thank you so much sis!
robin says
Keep praying. We sometimes fear the unknown so we avoid those necessary exams. I always say ‘Knowledge is Power’. When you know, you can go into it like a warrior. Keep fighting–it’s a faith walk.
robi9832 says
Hey Robin,
Thank you, the battle is not ours and we are keeping the faith!
Christi Clayton says
Thank you for your kind words. This journey has been hard. I don’t know what I would have done without you!!!!! love ya sis!!!!
robi9832 says
You are doing so good sis, you got this! Love you forever!
Antionette Blake says
Looking good in your pic as well #PersonalStyleLinkUp
Antionette Blake recently posted…Amazon gets an “A” in Education
robi9832 says
Ohhh thank you so much lady!
WOW. God Bless You Both Soror. Love and prayers conquer all!
robi9832 says
Hey Soror, thank you, we need to catch up too!
Neti* says
I was just teary eyed reading this. . .cause I lost my baby Sis to brain cancer 20+ years ago and we still talk about her everyday, especially when we hug her two daughters. I am glad your Sis is a survivor and I have a post coming out tomorrow on this very subject. Thank God we still have the power of prayer and for his mercies. Much Luv!
Neti* recently posted…Score
robi9832 says
Hey Neti, I’m sorry to hear about your sister. We are taking one day at a time! Thanks for the encouraging words!
Lisa Favre says
This is incredibly heartwarming. You and your sister seem to be such brave and strong women! Stick together, your family seems so close… and we all know that love rules all.
Stay fab,
Lisa Favre
Lisa Favre recently posted…Long Silver Dress
robi9832 says
Thank you for your supportive words, much appreciated!
Louida says
Breast cancer runs in my family so I know the pain your sister and family is going through. I’ll keep y’all uplifted in prayer. I hate cancer!!!!
Louida recently posted…Taco Party at My House with Hamptons Lane
robi9832 says
Thank you for your prayers Louida!!!
nerline says
She looks just like you describes her. What a beautiful, strong woman! I love the bond between you guys. Thanks for this post, Robin! It is very inspirational.
nerline recently posted…Five Ways Two-strand Twists Can Damage Your Hair
robi9832 says
Thank you so very much Nerline! She is doing so much better!
Beckey says
I will pray for your sister’s continued recovery, and for you and your family to have the peace and strength needed to support her through the rest of this battle. Huge ((hugs))
Beckey recently posted…A Spirit of Gratitude: October 5
robi9832 says
Thank you from my heart Beckey, I appreciate the support!